Once the action is over, users can unwind, connect, socialise and chat in the Secret Neighbor experience hub. Peterson disguised himself as a kid? Try being a chair for a change of pace. It’s all good knockabout fun, and with all Brawl modes playable across every map, there’s almost limitless fun and challenge to be had. Be the last kid standing in a pop-gun standoff, snowball fight or a sneaky Prop Hunt. Get that party game spirit going in Brawl mode – a collection of free-for-all and team-based multiplayer challenges. Peterson in one of three unhinged forms the Neighbor, the Butcher or the Clown – honk if you love floppy shoes! It’s not all sneaking and evasion, either. Little do they know that one of their own has been randomly chosen to play as the cunningly disguised Mr. In Secret Neighbor’s main game mode, up to six players team up to explore one of 5 twisted maps, find the keys to the exit and escape using each of the six kid’s special class abilities to outwit, evade and exploit every opportunity for victory.