Press R1 R2 L1 L2 buttons at the same time to escape. You will be stuck in an invisible box after adult scene. Note: DO NOT SAVE WITH THIS CODE ACTIVE This cheat will save and MAY corrupt your save.

Note: Use this code if you wish to save game with Uncensored Hot Coffee disabled WARNING: Uncensored Hot Coffee code UNLOCKS ADULT CONTENT DISABLED BY ROCKSTAR GAMES AND IS A VIOLATION OF YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT (5) Millie is in the Prickle Pine district of LV Alternate code by RIC-013 for NTSC version 2 features gravity that stays on, but has all 6 directions (D-pad for compass directions, and L1/L2 for up/down respectively) NTSC version 2. (4) Katie is in the Paradise district of SF (2) Michelle around the Driving School in SF If the hashes match exactly and your AV program still detects the files as dangerous please follow the products procedures for submitting a false positive result.Notes: If the Heart icons do not appear simply swing by their homes to mark them. If you downloaded PS2 Save Builder from any other site make sure you confirm that the hashes match exactly, if you have any doubt download again from here. JB9E-91K0-74840 Censored Hot Coffee (Sub Folder) Note: Use this code if you wish to save game with Uncensored Hot Coffee disabled. Ps2_Save_Builder_0.8x.zip: bb4c39e392284e31bbbb89d610605b254a77724922353980829ba9a463a44768 Hot Coffee (After Successful Date) WARNING: Uncensored Hot Coffee CODE UNLOCKS ADULT CONTENT HIDDEN BY ROCKSTAR GAMES.Use the SHA256 hashes below to ensure you have a safe version of PS2 Save Builder: The executable file utilises a technique called ‘packing’, viruses use this to disguise their true nature, and this is setting off a few AV products causing them to detect it as malicious.

The great folks over at Trend Micro took a deeper look at what was causing this and I’m happy to confirm that if you’ve downloaded Ps2 Save Builder from this site then it is safe to use. We’ve been the home for Ps2 Save Builder for over 12 years and recently we’ve been made aware that some antivirus scanners are detecting Ps2 Save Builder as being dangerous or containing a virus.